Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure - Licensing & Forms


Please read the Laws and Rules pertaining to the Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure:

Licensure Rules (DOCX) Endorsement Rules (PDF)    Licensure Laws    
Please only use the forms obtained directly from this page as they are updated periodically.



Conditional Clinical Professional Counselor (XL)

Conditional Pastoral Counselor (XP)

Conditional Professional Counselor (XC)

Professional Counselor (PC)

NCE Information and Content


Clinical Professional Counselor (CC)

Pastoral Counselor (LP)


NCMHCE Information and Content

To register for the NCE or NCMHCE examination please visit the CCE-Global website.

CCE-Global requires that you request and receive approval for testing accommodations from our office before registering for your licensing exam. If you require testing accommodations please submit an ADA  Accommodations Form (PDF) to our office.

Examinations are not administered by the Maine Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure.
Please contact CCE-Global with any questions regarding the examination process:
Phone: 336-482-2856

Once you pass the required examination for the licenses above you may then 
apply for licensure.


Conditional Marriage & Family Therapist (XM)

Marriage & Family Therapist (MF)

AMFTRB Information and Content

To register for the AMFTRB examination you must first apply for licensure.

Once our office approves you for examination you will receive an approval code that can be used to register for examination through PTC. If you require testing accommodations you must complete PTC's accommodation form and upload it with your PTC application and payment.

Please contact PTC with any examination questions:
Phone: 212-356-0660

 (Links in this section lead to trusted partner websites outside of Maine State Government)



 Please refer to Chapter 10 (DOCX) and Chapter 11 (DOCX) of the Office of Professional & Occupational Regulation's Rules regarding issuance of fees.

Please note all fees are non-refundable.

License Application Fees

  • $200 License Fee
  • $21 Criminal History Check Fee


(For initial issuance of licensure) 

Renewal Fee(s)

  • $200 Renewal Fee
  • $50 Late Renewal Fee*
    *If renewed after expiration date.


(60 days prior to or up to 90 days after expiration date)

Reinstatement Fees

  • $200 License Fee
  • $21 Criminal History Check Fee
  • $50 Late Renewal Fee


(91 days to 2 years after expiration date)



Please refer to the licensing requirements pursuant to Board Rules (DOCX) to determine eligibility for licensure.

If you have a pending application you may check the status here.

Please Note: Board staff can only discuss a pending application with the applicant.
If you have questions regarding an application but are not the applicant, please contact the applicant directly. 




The "Conditional Clinical Professional Counselor" license is a clinical, graduate level, conditional license. The XL requires a graduate counseling degree that consisted of at least 60 graduate credit hours. The degree can be a master counseling degree that is either CACREP-accredited or contained courses that satisfy the core areas of study and additional areas of study requirements as defined in Board Rules Chapter 3 (2) 1B (DOCX) OR a doctoral degree in clinical psychology or counseling psychology from a program that was accredited by the American or Canadian Psychological Associations. The XL also requires the completion of a graduate clinical counseling internship that consisted of 900 hours with a plan for standard conditional licensed supervised experience of 3,000 hours over the course of at least two years, or at least 600 clock hours with plan for conditional licensed supervised experience of 4,000 hours over the course of at least two years, and a passing score on the NCE.

A "conditional license" indicates the XL may not practice unless under the supervision of a Board-approved Maine licensee. XL licensees may not change supervisors without first submitting a new Proposed Supervision Plan Form (PDF) and receiving approval by the Board. Upon the termination of a supervision plan or upon the completion of the XL's licensed supervised work experience and supervision hour requirements, the supervisor shall complete the required Supervisor Affidavit (PDF) and letter and give a copy of these documents to the XL licensee. Both the XL licensee and the supervisor shall maintain ongoing records of supervision.

XL licensees may both diagnose and treat mental health disorders and may engage in private practice as long as they are receiving the required supervision by a Board-approved Maine licensee.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 3 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for XL licensure are required to submit:

XL Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.

  • The XL may only be renewed twice, for a total of a 6-year term, exclusive of any periods of inactive status.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




The "Clinical Professional Counselor" license is a clinical, graduate level, independent license. The CC requires a graduate counseling degree that consisted of at least 60 graduate credit hours. The degree can be a master counseling degree that is either CACREP-accredited or contained courses that satisfy the core areas of study and additional areas of study requirements as defined in Board Rules Chapter 3 (2) 1B (DOCX) OR a doctoral degree in clinical psychology or counseling psychology from a program that was accredited by the American or Canadian Psychological Associations. The CC also requires completion of a graduate clinical counseling internship that consisted of at least 600 clock hours and passing scores on both the NCE and NCMHCE.

To transition from conditional licensure to the CC, applicants need to hold their XL (or equivalent license) for at least 2 years while obtaining the required amount of licensed supervised work experience hours and supervision hours. Work experience and supervision hours must be obtained while the applicant held an active XL (or equivalent license) and while under the supervision of a qualifying licensee. The amount of work experience and supervision hours needed to transition to the CC depends on the applicant's graduate clinical counseling internship hours. More information can be found in Board Rules Chapter 3 (4) (DOCX).

CC licensees may both diagnose and treat mental health disorders and may engage in private practice.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 3 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for CC licensure are required to submit:

  • An online application;

  • Official documentation of NCMHCE passage;

  • Supervisor's Affidavit Form(s) (PDF) and letter(s);

  • Disclosure Statement Form (PDF);

  • Documentation of completion of 55 hours of continuing education during the term of the conditional license that meet the requirements in Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX);

  • Official license verifications for all professional licenses the applicant holds or has ever held, even if they are now expired. License verifications need to include the applicant's name, license number, license type, initial issue date, current expiration date and whether the license has ever been disciplined. Copies of professional licenses are not acceptable.

If not previously submitted to the Board:

CC Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




The "Conditional Professional Counselor" license is a non-clinical, graduate level, conditional license. The XC requires a graduate counseling degree that consisted of at least 48 graduate credit hours. The degree can be a master counseling degree that is either CACREP-accredited, a rehabilitation counseling degree that was CORE-accredited or contained courses that satisfy the core areas of study requirement as defined in Board Rules Chapter 2 (2) 1C (DOCX) OR a doctoral degree in clinical psychology or counseling psychology from a program that was accredited by the American or Canadian Psychological Associations. The XC also requires the completion of a graduate counseling internship that consisted of at least 600 clock hours and a passing score on the NCE.

A "conditional license" indicates the XC may not practice unless under the supervision of a Board-approved Maine licensee. XC licensees may not change supervisors without first submitting a new Proposed Supervision Plan Form (PDF) and receiving approval by the Board. Upon the termination of a supervision plan or upon the completion of the XC's licensed supervised work experience and supervision hour requirements, the supervisor shall complete the required Supervisor Affidavit (PDF) and letter and give a copy of these documents to the XC licensee. Both the XC licensee and the supervisor shall maintain ongoing records of supervision.

XC licensees may not diagnose or treat mental health disorders. XC licensees may engage in private practice as long as they are receiving the required supervision by a Board-approved Maine licensee.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 2 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information


Application Information

 Applicants for XC licensure are required to submit:

XC Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.

  • The XC may only be renewed twice, for a total of a 6-year term, exclusive of any periods of inactive status.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




The "Professional Counselor" license is a non-clinical, graduate level, independent license. The PC requires a graduate counseling degree that consisted of at least 48 graduate credit hours. The degree can be a master counseling degree that is either CACREP-accredited, a rehabilitation counseling degree that was CORE-accredited or contained courses that satisfy the core areas of study requirement as defined in Board Rules Chapter 2 (2) 1C (DOCX) OR a doctoral degree in clinical psychology or counseling psychology from a program that was accredited by the American or Canadian Psychological Associations. The PC also requires the completion of a graduate counseling internship that consisted of at least 600 clock hours and a passing score on the NCE.

To transition from conditional licensure to the PC, applicants need to hold their XC (or equivalent license) for at least 2 years while obtaining the required 2000 hours of licensed supervised work experience, including at least 1000 hours of direct counseling experience, and 67 hours of supervision, including at least 34 hours of individual supervision. Work experience and supervision hours must be obtained while the applicant held an active XC (or equivalent license) and while under the supervision of a Board-approved licensee. More information can be found in Board Rules Chapter 2 (4) (DOCX).

PC licensees may not diagnose or treat mental health disorders. PC licensees may engage in private practice.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 2 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for PC licensure are required to submit:

  • An online application;

  • Supervisor's Affidavit Form(s) (PDF) and letter(s);

  • Disclosure Statement Form;

  • Official license verifications for all professional licenses the applicant holds or has ever held, even if they are now expired. License verifications need to include the applicant's name, license number, license type, initial issue date, current expiration date and whether the license has ever been disciplined. Copies of professional licenses are not acceptable.

If not previously submitted to the Board:

PC Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




The "Conditional Marriage & Family Therapist" license is a clinical, graduate level, conditional license. The XM requires a graduate counseling degree that consisted of at least 60 graduate credit hours. The degree can be a master counseling degree that is either CACREP-accredited or contained courses that satisfy the 9 areas of study requirements as defined in Board Rules Chapter 4 (2) 1C (DOCX) OR a doctoral degree in a martial, couple and family counseling program that was COAMFTE-accredited and included the completion of a clinical practicum. The XM also requires the completion of a graduate marriage and family counseling internship that consisted of at least 600 clock hours and a passing score on the AMFTRB.

A "conditional license" indicates the XM may not practice unless under the supervision of a Board-approved Maine licensee. XM licensees may not change supervisors without first submitting a new Proposed Supervision Plan Form (PDF) and receiving approval by the Board. Upon the termination of a supervision plan or upon the completion of the XM's licensed supervised work experience and supervision hour requirements, the supervisor shall complete the required Supervisor Affidavit (PDF) and letter and give a copy of these documents to the XM licensee. Both the XM licensee and the supervisor shall maintain ongoing records of supervision.

XM licensees may both diagnose and treat mental health disorders and may engage in private practice as long as they are receiving the required supervision by a Board-approved Maine licensee.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 4 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for XM licensure are required to submit:

XM Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.

  • The XM may only be renewed twice, for a total of a 6-year term, exclusive of any periods of inactive status.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




The "Marriage & Family Therapist" license is a clinical, graduate level, independent license. The MF requires a graduate counseling degree that consisted of at least 60 graduate credit hours. The degree can be a master counseling degree that is either CACREP-accredited or contained courses that satisfy the 9 areas of study requirements as defined in Board Rules Chapter 4 (2) 1C (DOCX) OR a doctoral degree in a martial, couple and family counseling program that was COAMFTE-accredited and included the completion of a clinical practicum. The MF also requires the completion of a graduate marriage and family counseling internship that consisted of at least 600 clock hours and a passing score on the AMFTRB.

To transition from conditional licensure to the MF, applicants need to hold their XM (or equivalent license) for at least 2 years while obtaining the required amount of licensed supervised work experience hours and supervision hours. Work experience and supervision hours must be obtained while the applicant held an active XM (or equivalent license) and while under the supervision of a Board-approved licensee. The amount of work experience and supervision hours needed to transition to the MF depends on the applicant's graduate marriage and family counseling internship hours. More information can be found in Board Rules Chapter 4 (4) (DOCX).

MF licensees may diagnose and treat mental health disorders and may engage in private practice.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 4 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for MF licensure are required to submit:

  • An online application;

  • Supervisor's Affidavit Form(s) (PDF) and letter(s);

  • Disclosure Statement Form (PDF);

  • Official license verifications for all professional licenses the applicant holds or has ever held, even if they are now expired. License verifications need to include the applicant's name, license number, license type, initial issue date, current expiration date and whether the license has ever been disciplined. Copies of professional licenses are not acceptable.

If not previously submitted to the Board:

MF Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




The "Conditional Pastoral Counselor" license is a clinical, graduate level, conditional license. The XP requires a Master or Doctor of Divinity degree OR a master or doctoral degree in pastoral counseling that consisted of at least 20 semester hours. The qualifying degree must also contain courses that satisfy the core curriculum requirements as defined in Board Rules Chapter 5 (3) 2 (DOCX). The XP also requires the completion of at least 400 hours of clinical pastoral education and a passing score on the NCE.

A "conditional license" indicates the XP may not practice unless under the supervision of a Board-approved Maine licensee. XP licensees may not change supervisors without first submitting a new Proposed Supervision Plan Form (PDF) and receiving approval by the Board. Upon the termination of a supervision plan or upon the completion of the XP's licensed supervised work experience and supervision hour requirements, the supervisor shall complete the required Supervisor Affidavit (PDF) and letter and give a copy of these documents to the XP licensee. Both the XP licensee and the supervisor shall maintain ongoing records of supervision.

XP licensees may both diagnose and treat mental health disorders and may engage in private practice as long as they are receiving the required supervision by a Board-approved Maine licensee.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 5 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for XP licensure are required to submit:

XP Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.

  • The XP may only be renewed twice, for a total of a 6-year term, exclusive of any periods of inactive status.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




The "Pastoral Counselor" license is a clinical, graduate level, independent license. The LP requires a Master or Doctor of Divinity degree OR a master or doctoral degree in pastoral counseling the contained at least 20 semester hours. The qualifying degree must also contain courses that satisfy the core curriculum requirements as defined in Board Rules Chapter 5 (3) 2 (DOCX). The LP also requires the completion of at least 400 hours of clinical pastoral education and passing scores on the NCE and NCMHCE.

To transition from conditional licensure to the LP, applicants need to hold their XP (or equivalent license) for at least 2 years while obtaining the required 3000 hours of licensed supervised work experience hours, including at least 1000 hours of direct clinical client contact, and at least 200 hours of supervision, including at least 67 hours with an approved certified pastoral counseling supervisor. Work experience and supervision hours must be obtained while the applicant held an active XP (or equivalent license) and while under the supervision of a qualifying licensee. More information can be found in Board Rules Chapter 5 (5) (DOCX).

LP licensees may both diagnose and treat mental health disorders and may engage in private practice.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 5 (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for LP licensure are required to submit:

  • An online application;

  • Official documentation of NCMHCE passage;

  • Supervisor's Affidavit Form(s) (PDF) and letter(s);

  • Disclosure Statement Form (PDF);

  • Official license verifications for all professional licenses the applicant holds or has ever held, even if they are now expired. License verifications need to include the applicant's name, license number, license type, initial issue date, current expiration date and whether the license has ever been disciplined. Copies of professional licenses are not acceptable.

If not previous submitted to the Board:

LP Renewal and Continuing Education Information

Renew a License


  • Renews every 2 years based on the initial license issue date.


  • 55 hours of continuing education, including at least 4 contact hours related to subjects addressed in the Code of Ethics, pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 7-A (DOCX).

  • First renewal/one-time requirement only: 12 contact hours in family or intimate partner violence pursuant to Title 32 §13860.




Applicants who currently hold an active, full, equivalent license type, in good standing, in another U.S. jurisdiction may apply through licensure by endorsement. Applicants who currently hold equivalent conditional licenses in another U.S. jurisdiction need to apply through the standard application process and submit all the required supplemental documentation.

Please refer to Board Rules Chapter 6-A (DOCX) for more information.

Return to License Information 

Application Information

 Applicants for licensure by endorsement are required to submit:

  • An online application;

  • Disclosure Statement Form (PDF);

  • Official license verifications for all professional licenses the applicant holds or has ever held, even if they are now expired. License verifications need to include the applicant's name, license number, license type, initial issue date, current expiration date and whether the license has ever been disciplined. Copies of professional licenses are not acceptable.



  Online Services          Forms                Examination  Licensing Fees    License Information       Endorsement  
        XL - CC            XC - PC      XM - MF          XP - LP  

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