Welcome to the website of the Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation (OPOR), an agency within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation. We appreciate your visit to our homepage and we look forward to assisting you. OPOR’s Gardiner office is open to the public from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. While you are welcome to visit our offices, for faster service, we encourage you to take advantage of our many online services.
To ensure that someone is available to assist you, we recommend that you schedule an appointment in advance. Please contact us by email or by phone or through our other online services, and we will assist you. After making an appointment, click on this link for directions.
DPFR is currently experiencing technical issues with its phone system resulting in long wait times and challenges accessing voicemail. We apologize for the inconvenience. While we work to resolve this problem, please consider contacting us via email at Tammy.reed@maine.gov or Candice.b.wright@maine.gov. Thank you for your patience.
The Board of Speech, Audiology & Hearing is established to license qualified speech pathologists and audiologists and hearing aid dealers and fitters and to assure that communicatively disabled people in the State of Maine receive competent services.
The primary responsibilities of the Board are to evaluate qualifications of and examine applicants; grant licenses to those who meet board requirements, investigate complaints, and take disciplinary action against licensees when warranted.
You may follow this link to the Secretary of State's office to view a list of board members. Members of the public should not contact board members with questions or comments. All questions, comments or any other board-related matters must be directed to the Board Staff; (207) 624-8624.
Notice Regarding License Verification Requests
License verifications is available at no charge by visiting Board of Speech, Audiology and Hearing online licensing portal. OPOR does not issue paper license verifications.
Speech-Language Pathologists Mandated Reporters
Maine law requires that medical, mental health and social services personnel immediately report or cause a report to be made to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) when the provider knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that an incapacitated or dependent adult has been or is likely to be abused or neglected or that a suspicious incapacitated or dependent adult death has occurred - MRS § 22 c 958-A
Public Law 2023 c. 36 LD 35 which was signed into law April 23, 2023, "An Act to Establish Adult Protective Services Training Requirements for Professionals Mandated to Report Suspected Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation to Enhance Protection of Incapacitated and Dependent Adults" now requires mandated reporter training at least once every four years.
DHHS Mandated Reporter for Adult Protective Services (APS) Training Module Website
What's New
Hearing Aid Dealer and Trainee Examination Forms
Statutory/Law Changes
- 2023 Public Law Chapter 310 (LD 717) "An Act to Adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (PDF) The Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC) allows eligible licensed audiologists and speech-language pathologists an alternative method for providing services in other member states. If you are interested in learning more about the ASLP-IC Compact please use the following link: https://aslpcompact.com/commission/.
Board Notices
Speech, Audiology and Hearing Aid licenses are now delivered to licensees via email. The email sender is displayed as "noreply@maine.gov" and the subject as "YOUR OFFICIAL (license type) LICENSE IS ATTACHED". Paper licenses will NOT be mailed to licensees with an email address on file with the Board. You have the opportunity to update your contact information when you renew your license online or you may update your email address and other contact information anytime here.