How to replace files/documents?

The best way to replace uploaded documents on your website is to use the File Replace module.

This module lets you replace files, keeping the file URL intact. This is useful in cases where a file is linked or used directly but needs to be updated occasionally.

Important:  Uploading a new document with the same file name through the WYSIWYG editor will not replace your existing document. Instead, Drupal will add _0, _1, etc. at the end of the file name because by default it does not overwrite existing files.

Use the following steps to replace a document on your website:

  1. Go to the "Files" tab under "Content"
  2. Locate the file you want you replace
  3. Click on "Replace" on the far right
  4. On the next screen, click "Browse", select the file from your computer and save it.
  5. Important: The file replacement only works if the old and new files have the exact same file name!

Note: If the "Replace" link is missing in your admin, you can request for the module to be enabled on your site.