What's New

What’s New is a free resource available to state agency webmasters whose sites are hosted by InforME. It functions as a flexible, basic mini content management system, allowing webmasters to set up portions of a web site for dynamic content editing through a web browser interface. Any authorized person (with an account) from the agency can then update content for that portion of the web site via a web browser, without knowing HTML, without using special software, and without the worry of accidentally changing HTML coding or layout on the web pages.

What's New has largely been superseded by Drupal, which is a more powerful content management system and is actively maintained and developed. 

What Can I Use It For?

What’s New is best suited to web content that is updated frequently and involves a set of multiple items of information, in which each item includes the same type of data and is formatted the same way. For example, press releases, a calendar of events, an FAQ, a staff directory, a directory of office locations, or a list of printed materials - even meeting schedules with associated agendas and minutes. Each of these examples consists of multiple items that are similar in nature. A set of press releases involves multiple press releases, each one containing the same basic information (a date, a headline, and some copy).

Overview of Features:

  • Password protected web interface for data entry of content items
  • Can set different levels of access for different users
  • Flexible template system allows integration with the look and feel of any web site design
  • One set of information can be displayed on multiple pages of a site, using different views
  • Auto-archiving and display control features to automate when each item will appear, disappear, or move to an archive page on the web site.
  • Up to 15 custom-defined text fields available
  • Search feature available