Implementation of January 1, 2023, Rate Study Increases for Sections 13, 17 and 26

This e-message is to notify providers that updated rates are now available for billing in MIHMS for Sections 13, 17, and 26. These new rates will be effective retroactive to January 1, 2023, and result from our recent rate studies conducted in relation to P.L. 2021 Ch. 398, Pt. AAAA; Ch. 635, Pt JJJ; and Ch. 639. New rates will apply only to services provided on or after January 1, 2023. 

Implementation of January 1, 2023, Rate Study Increases for Sections 13, 17 and 26

This e-message is to notify providers that updated rates are now available for billing in MIHMS for Sections 13, 17, and 26. These new rates will be effective retroactive to January 1, 2023, and result from our recent rate studies conducted in relation to P.L. 2021 Ch. 398, Pt. AAAA; Ch. 635, Pt JJJ; and Ch. 639. New rates will apply only to services provided on or after January 1, 2023. 

Implementation of January 1, 2023, Rate Study Increases for Sections 13, 17 and 26

This e-message is to notify providers that updated rates are now available for billing in MIHMS for Sections 13, 17, and 26. These new rates will be effective retroactive to January 1, 2023, and result from our recent rate studies conducted in relation to P.L. 2021 Ch. 398, Pt. AAAA; Ch. 635, Pt JJJ; and Ch. 639. New rates will apply only to services provided on or after January 1, 2023. 

Maine DHHS Announces Major Investment in Healthy Aging

Jan 1, 2023

Governor Janet Mills’ biennial and supplemental budgets propose $169 million for initiatives to expand and improve home-based care, invest in the safety of older residents, and continue to invest in long-term care facilities, including nursing homes. This includes full funding of home-delivered meals to ensure that eligible older adults continue to receive meals as one-time federal funding is depleted.

MaineCare Cost of Living/Part AAAA Increases for Sections 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 65 (SUD-IOP only), and 96

MaineCare has increased reimbursement rates for MaineCare Benefits Manual, Chapter III, Sections 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 65 (Substance Use Disorder Intensive Out-Patient only), and 96 for services that are associated with Part AAAA of P.L. 2021, ch.398, retroactively to January 1, 2023. Providers may submit claims for the new rates and adjust any previously submitted claims to the higher rate. Please adjust your claims within 120 days of this notice.  

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Trainings

The federal deadline to implement the EVV requirements for Home Health providers delivering services under Section 40 and Hospice providers delivering services under Section 43 happened January 1, 2023.

We continue to offer weekly provider and aggregator trainings. All trainings are online via Microsoft Teams.

NOTE:  The Absorb training system has been updated to allow providers to register for trainings more than once.

Training Topics

Sandata Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Certification Interface Update, CR 114059

The Sandata Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) interface now flags all submitted Home Health certifications with an ‘active’ status and will be loaded in Sandata immediately. Some certifications were previously flagged as ‘inactive,’ which prevented them from loading and prohibited providers from creating visit records for members. This update will enable Home Health providers to create EVV visit records in a timely manner but does not guarantee MaineCare approval of the certification.

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