Section 67 Nursing Facilities (NF) and Section 97, Residential Care Facilities (RCFs, PNMI Appendix C) – Rate Study Kickoff Meeting

As previously shared in our January 12, 2023, bulletin, the Department has initiated a rate determination process for Section 67 Nursing Facilities (NF) and Section 97, Residential Care Facilities (RCFs, PNMI Appendix C).   

Attention Providers and Stakeholders of NDPP Program Services: Draft Rate Model Public Review and Comment

In the Spring of 2022, prior to P.L. 2021 Ch. 639 becoming effective, the Department began work to establish National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) services as a new benefit for which a section under the MaineCare Benefits Manual has yet to be determined. This message outlines the next steps in the process to establish this new service model.  


Clarification of Interim Billing Guidance for January 1, 2023, Rate Study Increases for Sections 2, 13, 17, 26, 28, and 65

This message is to confirm and clarify that all providers of services under Sections 2, 13, 17, 26, 28, and 65 do not need to hold their claims and are able to currently bill for services in order to maintain cash flow as the Department works to implement rate updates. See additional detail below, which varies by section of policy.


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