Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Providers

The Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) will be holding office hours" to assist providers in accessing the Maine HCBS Compliance Portal to complete mandatory HCBS Provider Self-Assessments by November 30, 2019.

Below is the schedule of available OADS office hours with times and locations. Please call in advance to schedule an appointment and bring your laptop with you. If you do not have a laptop, please let us know, so that we are fully prepared for your appointment.

Mandatory Maine Home and Community-Based Services Provider Self-Assessment Process

The Office of Aging and Disability Services, is pleased to inform you that the web portal developed by Econsys for the State providers of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) (Sections 18, 20, 21 and 29) is ready for you at: Maine.HCBSCompliance.com

Please sign up by using your EIS Org ID (that is, your organization code), your email address, and a password that you choose. If you have any trouble, contact Econsys .

Quarterly Update: Supporting Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Brain Injury in their Homes and Communities

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provides home- and community-based services to adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and brain injury primarily through MaineCare-funded programs. These are often called waiver programs because they operate with special exceptions from the federal government, and are referred to by their Section number, which is where they can be found in the MaineCare rules.

Maine State Plan on Aging - Listening Sessions

As mandated under the Older Americans Act, every four years, the Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) as the designated State Unit on Aging must submit a State Plan on Aging to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Community Living (ACL). The plan provides a vision and direction for aging services and a state framework for activities related to programs, activities, and services for older adults.

Elizabeth Hopkins and Lorrie Mitchell Named to Key Leadership Roles

The Office of Aging and Disability Services is pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth (Betsy) Hopkins as the new Associate Director for Developmental Disability and Brain Injury Services. In her role, Betsy will provide leadership and oversight of OADS' intellectual, developmental and brain injury programs. She comes with extensive knowledge and experience regarding services for people with disabilities, both in Maine and nationally.

Improving Adult Services Under New Leadership

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services is pleased to announce that Paul Saucier has been appointed as Director of the Office of Aging and Disability Services. Saucier comes to the Department with extensive aging and disability experience nationally and locally. He has done oversight work in Maine's developmental disabilities system, worked for the Legislature's Office of Policy and Legal Analysis, and directed the Cutler Institute for Health and Social Policy at the University of Southern Maine's Muskie School of Public Service.

Highlights of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services Supplemental Budget for FY 2023 and Biennial Budget Proposal for FY 2024 and FY 2025

Governor Mills’ biennial budget proposal for state fiscal years 2024 to 2025 is balanced, does not raise taxes and leaves the Rainy Day Fund untouched. It continues the Governor’s free community college initiative and invests in health care, housing, and infrastructure.

Rate Determination Initiation Notice for Section 67, Nursing Facility and Section 97, Appendix C, Residential Care Facilities  

This bulletin provides notice that the Department has initiated a Rate Determination Process* for Section 67, Nursing Facility Services and Section 97, Appendix C, Medical and Remedial Services of the MaineCare Benefits Manual. New rates are being determined pursuant to the Department’s reimbursement reform and rate determination priorities.     

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