photo by Sandy Agrafiotis
Welcome to the Maine Criminal Justice Academy's training pages. The mission of the Academy is to provide training and certification to Maine's law enforcement and corrections officers.
The Academy provides basic law enforcement and corrections training to all newly hired officers, specialized in-service training programs at the Academy in Vassalboro and support to the regional training councils. Please check the upcoming classes link to view classes of interest to you.
Board of Trustees Specifications
- Table of Contents (Word)
- Mandatory Minimum Standards (PDF)
- Spec S-1 Basic Law Enforcement Training Program 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-2 Law Enforcement Pre Service Training Program 9-13-2019 (Word)
- 3A Basic Corrections Training Program (Adults)
- 3B Juvenile Basic Corrections Training Program
- Spec S-4 Executive Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-4A Law Enforcement Executive Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-5 Certification of MCJA training courses 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-6 Instructor Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-7 Firearms Instructor Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-8 Breath Testing Device Instructor Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-9 Electronic Speed Measurement Device Instructor Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-10 MARC Instructor Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-11 Municipal Ordinance / Traffic Infraction Prosecutor certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-12 Judicial Marshal Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-13 Intermediate Training Certificate 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-14 Advanced Training Certificate 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-15 Harbor Master Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-16 Shellfish Warden Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-17 Patrol K-9 Team Certification 11-13-2020 (Word)
- Spec S-18 Detector K-9 Team Certification 11-13-2020 (Word)
- Spec S-19 K-9 Team Trainer Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-20 K-9 Assistant Team Trainer Certification 9-13-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-21 Crash Reconstruction Specialist Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-22 Waiver of the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program 2024 (Word)
- Spec S-23 Waiver of the Law Enforcement Pre Service Training Program 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-24 Waiver of the Basic Corrections Training Program 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-25 Crisis Negotiator Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-26 Breath Testing Device Operator Certification 2023 (Word)
- Spec S-27 Capitol Police Officer Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-28 Drug Recognition Expert Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-29 Electronic Speed Measurement Device Operator Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-30 Law Enforcement Officer Recertification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-31 Corrections Officer Recertification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-32 Federal Officers Limited Authority to Enforce Maine law 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-33 Transport Officer Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-34 Law Enforcement Computer Crimes First Responder Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-36 Law Enforcement Chaplain Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-37 Physical Fitness Testing Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-38 Separated Officers Certificate of Firearms Proficiency 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-39 Tactical Team Certification 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-39 Tactical Team Physical Fitness Standards 11-08-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-39 Tactical Team Application Form 11-02-2019 (Word)
- Spec S-40 School Resource Officer (Word)